Python Generate QR Code as SVG file
This Python qrcode tutorial we show you how to creates a QR code image as a standalone SVG document using the API provided by qrcode image generator library.
This Python qrcode tutorial we show you how to creates a QR code image as a standalone SVG document using the API provided by qrcode image generator library.
This Python qrcode tutorial to show you how to create a QR code image in Python using the qrcode package. Via different Python example programs we learn how to use QR code image generator library to generate QR code with simple step or custom box size, border and colors.
This Python Pendulum tutorial to show you how to use parse() and from_format() method to parse a string into DateTime instance using Pendulum package.
This Python Pendulum tutorial to show you how to format a DateTime instance as a string using Pendulum package. We will learn to use difference common methods to format string as well as using formatter method format() and strftime().
This Python Pendulum tutorial to show you how to add or subtract date and time value to a DateTime instance using Pendulum package. With different Python example program we will learn how to add or subtract years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds value.
This Python Pendulum tutorial to show you how to convert date and time from one timezone to another timezone using the Pendulum package. Via different Python example programs we will learn how to convert date and time from UTC to another timezone, from one timezone to UTC, and convert date time between different timezone.
This Python Pendulum tutorial to show you how to instantiate new DateTime instances using the Pendulum package.
In this Python xlwt tutorial we learn how to set the date time format for Excel cell during writing Excel file with xlwt library.
In this Python xlwt tutorial we learn how to adjust the column width of exported Excel file.
In this Python OpenPyXL tutorial we learn how to set the font vertical align style for Excel cells using the OpenPyXL package Font class.